Around the globe, WITSML is increasingly being adopted as the industry standard for storing and transmitting drilling data. At Petrolink, we’ll act as your training guide and mentor on WITSML as well as Energistics data standards like OPC, to help you achieve optimal drilling. We can help you build your own environment, train you on it, help you understand it, and provide custom WITSML enabled applications tailored to your specifications.
ETP/WITSML Consultancy

Data Management Consultancy
With over 25 years of experience working with some of the world’s largest oil and gas operators and service companies, we’ve seen, and helped solve, virtually every possible issue regarding collecting, using and preserving real-time information. As the experts in data management, we’ll provide the technology you need, and the skill set to train you or we can handle it all for you with a turnkey solution.

Drilling Performance Consultancy
Now that you’ve invested in a real-time infrastructure, how do you implement it, make decisions and take full advantage of it? We provide the tools, the expertise, the training and drilling engineers to help you optimize your operations and your performance. You choose the area you need help with, and we’ll deliver the solution.

Software Development Consultancy
If you’re struggling to achieve your goals because of the level of software you are receiving from 3rd parties today, we’ll build a solution for you on top of our platform for data integration. We’ll create a customized solution that meets your specifications based on the tools you want to use and your unique needs.

Hosted Services
We provide managed cloud-based or on-premises hardware and facilities required to enable your real-time infrastructure or your real-time drilling and engineering solutions. We ensure interoperability and help you use your infrastructure to its full potential.

Workforce Services
At Petrolink, we take pride in our training and our people. Even if you are not using our technology, we can provide a range of workforce services to help you succeed. We offer professional consultancy for:
• IT and Data Support Services
• Real-Time Data Monitoring Specialists
• Development Services
• Project Management
• Custom solution creation
• Much more
Our team is focused on Real-Time data infrastructure and all have knowledge of data standards and mission-critical systems.