PetroVault is the open platform that draws on best-of-breed technologies to help innovation flourish. It collects and aggregates data from any format from any service contractor, then puts that real-time drilling data in the user’s control in consistent structures and naming conventions. Available for 3rd party application building and operating, PetroVault is a single digital platform for all data produced across the technology spectrum.
As a result, 3rd party contractors can use their existing applications on PetroVault or create new applications on the system.
The common visualization framework on which all Petrolink’s applications run, PetroVue is a web-based platform that can operate on any device without installation. User friendly and intuitive, with PetroVue you spend less time setting up displays or learning how to use the app and more time analyzing data and doing your work. From opening your browser to seeing your data takes mere seconds. You simply login and quickly get the information you need.
As part of our technology platform we have dedicated ETP services that allow you to interact with data in the industry standard. Our servers support WITSML Version 1.3, 1.4 and 2.0 and are fully compliant with the latest specifications. A recognized leader in WITSML and ETP, Petrolink brings over 18 years of expertise in defining and writing the standard and delivering key WITSML technologies and advancements.
Petrolink Analytical Engines
Our Analytical Engines allow you to extend your real-time data into analyzed information. We use a variety of technologies based on what is appropriate for the analytical processing that is required. Some of our batch processes are done in our Calculation Engine, our batch and real-time oriented system. If you need in-motion analytics this is efficiently done using the Data Analysis Engine. As you move towards machine learning processes we interact with a wide range of tools that support MATLAB and Python.
The PetroVault data structure allows you to access information programmatically through our supported APIs. This allows you to export information into analytical processes that are not developed by Petrolink, and bring answers back to the platform so it can be visualized and integrated with other workflows. Our APIs also enable you to extend existing Petrolink technologies with your own custom applications that use that infrastructure as your building blocks.